Tuesday, April 28, 2020

Tough (Question) Tuesday What do you need to make your Effective Escape

Tough (Question) Tuesday What do you need to make your Effective Escape For me, it was: have a kick-ass website have enough people who wanted to work with me/were booking consultations that I felt that The World at Large knew who I was have enough money in the bank that I wouldnt have to kick Plan B (food service or retail) into effect for at least a couple of months (or more) Notice those words in quotes? Enough and a couple were never defined, so my Escape from Corporate America (aka quitting-my-job-on-my-own-terms) wasnt as Effective (aka lets-do-everything-I-can-to-ensure-I-dont-wind-up-living-in-my-Moms-guest-room) as it couldve been. We talked about this both specifically generally in yesterdays live QA on Vokle, which is even broken down by questions (so you can only watch the answers that are applicable to you!). In that hour, we talked about raising prices gently, how I marketed myself when I was first starting, dealing with guilt, balancing (and managing!) your time, what to do when you feel unmotivated/not worth much, and of course I started with a new, original entrepreneuriversary tune that I played with my friend Lucille (the pink uke!). What do *you* need to make your Effective Escape? Leave it in the comments, along with any way that I can help! If ya dont know what your Effective Escape consists of and/or how to get there, then my Effective Escape can help! Also, its not too late to write a blog post as to what an Effective Escape means to you add it to Mr. Linky.

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